Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean

Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean

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Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean

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  • Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean

    • 簡介

      In Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean, Adrian Blevins and Karen Salyer McElmurray collect essays from today finest established and emerging writers with roots in Appalachia. Together, these essays take the theme of silencing in Appalachian culture, whether the details of that theme revolve around faith, class, work, or family legacies.In essays that take wide-ranging formsmaking this an ideal volume for creative nonfiction classescontributors write about families left behind, hard-earned educations, selves transformed, identities chosen, and risks taken. They consider the courage required for the inheritances they carry.Toughness and generosity alike characterize works by Dorothy Allison, bell hooks, Silas House, and others. These writers travel far away from the boundaries of a traditional Appalachia, and then circle backalwaysto the mountains that made each of them the distinctive thinking and feeling people they ultimately became. The essays in Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean are an individual and collective act of courage.Contributors:Dorothy Allison, Rob Amberg, Pinckney Benedict, Kathryn Stripling Byer, Sheldon Lee Compton, Michael Croley, Richard Currey, Joyce Dyer, Sarah Einstein, Connie May Fowler, RJ Gibson, Mary Crockett Hill, bell hooks, Silas House, Jason Howard, David Huddle, Tennessee Jones, Lisa Lewis, Jeff Mann, Chris Offutt, Ann Pancake, Jayne Anne Phillips, Melissa Range, Carter Sickels, Aaron Smith, Jane Springer, Ida Stewart, Jacinda Townsend, Jessie van Eerden, Julia Watts, Charles Dodd White, and Crystal Wilkinson.


    規格:22.9*15.2*0 cm

    系列名稱:Meditations on the Forbidden from Contemporary Appalachia


  • 作者:Blevins, Adrian (EDT), McElmurray, Karen Salyer (EDT)

  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books

  • 出版日:2015/9/15

  • ISBN:9780821421680

  • 語言:英文

  • 裝訂:平裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean


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